Saturday, 10 September 2011

Ladybirds everywhere!

Things are perking up a lot. The family issues are mostly sorted, at least for the mean time. College is awesome, even if I get tonnes and tonnes of homework. I've made lots of lovely new friends and I've really enjoyed my lessons so far.

Today I went out with my lovely boyfriend Niall (or Nizz, which is what I normally call him xD) We didn't really do anything in particular. We sat in the park cuddling and just messing around, dancing, tickle fighting and giving piggy backs and things for most of the day, which is always fun. We got surrounded by hundreds of ladybirds. Well, not hundreds, but I counted at least 14.

Towards the end of the day we went into town, showing a little lost punk the way to the Durham Punk Festival on the way. After she'd left us, we explored the shops for a little while. In HMV, I found one of my current obsessions on DVD; Repo! The Genetic Opera.

Nizz bought it for me <3 It is an amazing and very underrated movie. I've been meaning to do a review of it on my blog for a while now. Since coming home I've already watched it twice, and I know just about all the words to all the songs. I'd definitely recommend it.
We rounded off the day with some greggs sausage rolls and a doughnut before heading to the bus station to say goodbye. I had a lovely day with him. n__n I'll add a few photos just to finish off. Hope everyone's having a nice weekend.

How a gentleman drinks Dr. Pepper.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Sorry for not updating in a while, there's been a lot of things going on at home lately, and I haven't really felt much like it.
Anyway! Yesterday was my first day at my new College/6th Form. It was mainly just a get-to-know-people day. We were mixed up and put into different teams, played lots of "team building" games, did a few quizzes, and chatted. We were then put into our forms to meet the people we'll be spending the next year with, and our new form teacher.

It was a great day and I've made several new acquaintances, which hopefully will become friends, although everyone seemed to be feeling shy at the time. The games consisted mostly of things like "Get into height order and then introduce yourself to the person on your left", "Now get into first name alphabetical order in silence," and the dreaded "Let's go round the circle and each tell one interesting fact about ourselves!" I really hate that game because I can never think of anything interesting in time, I start to panic when I see that it gets closer to my turn and end up saying something like "I'M PHOEBE AND I'M A GIRL!" Then later I sit and hit myself when I think of plenty of other interesting things I could've said instead.
Then we were mixed into teams, and given a "quiz pack." We had to sort the different types of quizzes between everyone in the team to see who was best at doing what, and we had 45 minutes to complete everything in order to win a bag of m&ms. I had to make an origami frog, balance a fork and spoon on the edge of a glass using a toothpick (which I did quite quickly, I'm proud to say >:3) and build a perfect cube out of different shaped pieces, which I didn't manage and it frustrated the hell out of me!

The last game was mostly just for fun. We had to make a "Makarapa" (I think, I could be wrong..) which is an African football supporter's hat. We had 20 minutes to build it, and it had to support fair trade along with the 2012 olympics. It was hilarious. My friend did get a picture of me wearing it on her phone, so I'll add that when she sends it to me. I start officially on Thursday, so I'll let you know how that goes.

Anyway, I do have some arty things to upload, and my camera is fixed now too so expect some photos at some point. =D I hope you have a lovely Tuesday!