Saturday, 31 December 2011

End of 2011!

I know I haven't posted in a while (usual excuse, I was busy xD) but I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, and is currently having a great new year's eve! Only one more hour to go.

So to sum up this year, I made a list of the highlights (and some lowlights, but they're all in there for a reason), and a couple of resolutions I'll hopefully keep next year, unlike previous years:

At the beginning of the year, obviously, I celebrated new years with my family! Followed by finishing art coursework and heading back to school to study for my GCSEs.

I turned 16! :D I spent my 16th birthday sleeping over at a friends house, and we did a playing card queen photoshoot.

My beautiful friend Jen as the Queen of Hearts

I spent Valentine's Day with my lovely boyfriend. :3

I finished and passed all of my GCSEs with good grades, and left school.

My class on the last day of term. I'm the one at the front with the "I <3 Wendy Craig shirt." ....It was a school injoke xD
I went to prom...

I'm 3rd in from the left in the black dress, between my two very good friends Kathy and Laura.

And Alton Towers (even better!)

Ha, that's such a scary face I pulled xD

Throughout the school year, I had a lot of fights with friends, and evidently they became not my friends. However, I have no regrets about all this becaaauuuse...

 I started college!

Me and one of my friends at college.

And I made lots of wonderful new friends, with people that actually respect me for who I am.

First time hanging out with some of my new friends, who decided to make me wear a beret and draw a mustache on me while sitting in TGI Friday xD

I celebrated my 2nd anniversary with my lovely boyfriend :3

I enjoyed a fantastic Christmas with my friends and family, and got a sewing machine.

I improved my artwork, in both drawing and photography.

And best of all, I got to dress up, on more than one occasion >:3

Myself as the Queen of Spades

My messed up uniform for the last day of term

Overall, I'd say I've had a fantastic year, and hopefully next year will be just as good, if not better!

So to finish off, here are a few resolutions~

1. Keep fit! Ever since I started college, I've lost my weekly hour of PE, and I really should try and do something to exercise in its place.

2. Enjoy the time I have with my wonderful friends, as I've learnt this year that you never really know how good or bad things are gonna get.

3. Celebrate a 3rd anniversary with Nizz :3

4. Pass my AS levels, with good grades.

5. Dress up even more >:3

6. Improve my art skills even further!

But most importantly, enjoy the year, no matter what happens.

So Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2012 is the best year yet!