Friday, 9 March 2012

Friday Fun!

This week has had a lot of ups and downs, and it's been quite a stressful one. A level art is taking over my life right now! But there are a few things I would like to post about.

1. If you're a fan of LeahMouse's youtube videos, you'll know that she just recently had a giveaway contest to celebrate her 2000 subscribers. I entered the contest last week with this entry:

 And HOLY CRAP, it actually won. O_O I was amazed! I seriously never expected it to even come close to winning, so thank you very much LeahMouse. <3

2. I don't know how long it's been out, so this might be old news for some, but I just discovered that The Devil's Carnival have finally released a proper trailer, and I'm even more excited to see it now. I hope it's released in a closeby cinema! x3

3. This week I also got Skyrim 8D  I've been playing it inbetween doing art coursework and such, so it's going slowly and I'm not very far into the story yet, but I absolutely love it so far. The scenery is gorgeous, and the character faces are very much improved (I couldn't play the last Oblivion game, those faces were scary xD) And above all, dragon fights are awesome! >:3

So there's just a couple o' things that have been going on lately. I might edit/elaborate on this post later, but for now I need to sleep.

Goodnight everyone! Have a lovely weekend :3