Saturday 7 January 2012

Mad Hattress

At 1am this morning, I decided at random that my life was thoroughly lacking in teeny tophatness, and so I set out to make one. This is the result:

I'm really pleased with how it turned out. The top is wider than the base, and it's on a little bit of a wonky slant, but I think that adds to the Mad Hatterness of it. I used thin card for the shape base, rolling it into a cylinder, and cutting a big circle for the brim. I then wrapped felt around the cylinder, gluing it together at the back with PVA glue, and stitched a circle of felt the same size as the end of the cylinder to the top.
For the brim, I wrapped purple felt around the card base and stitched it together. The felt became a little gathered, but that's the only way I could think to do it, and it adds a nice effect. After all the glue was dry, and I'd reinforced all the stitching, I wrapped a ribbon around it with a cameo button on, and tied in a bow at the back. I got a pack of 5 plastic cameo buttons from a craft shop. I stitched some old metal hair clips to the bottom to wear it.

I didn't take any pictures while making it (stupidly -__- ) but I am thinking of making another once I get some more metal hairclips and felt, so I'll take some pictures and maybe do a tutorial then. I am also thinking of perhaps adding some more decoration to this hat. Here is a closer picture.

On another note, the Speed Demo Archives are running right now. SDA is a group of youtube gamers all getting together and running 5-7 days solid of live streaming. They stream speedruns of games mainly, but also do a lot of other silly things, like dancing, dressing up, gaming races, etc. They also give away prizes.
This is all to raise money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Although I don't have any money to donate, I am watching and I want to help support the cause, so I may as well spread the word. It's worth a watch if you're a fan of video games. You can watch it here:

I hope everyone had a lovely Saturday!

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