Monday 2 January 2012

Repo! Meets Emilie Autumn!

I was browsing the interwebs as usual today, and stumbled across an ad for "The Devil's Carnival" with the description" Repo! Meets Emilie Autumn," and as you can imagine, I squeed and clicked on it. It led me to a blog post (I can't find that post again, sorry!) questioning what the Devil's Carnival actually is, which then gave me another link leading to the official website, here:

The website doesn't really explain it much. I'm assuming it's either a movie or a stage show (In which case I hope they either tour the north east of the UK in the summer holidays with very low ticket prices, or it's just a movie.)
Whatever it is, if it is a dark carnivalesque show and has the creators of Repo! behind it, Terrance Zdunich in it (I'm assuming he will be), Emilie Autumn in it, and is as pretty as the teaser, I am going to love it! <3

And on that note, I hope everyone has a lovely day!

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