Friday 5 August 2011

Giant Silver Toilet Seats!

Today has been quite eventful so far. I got up early and went to my mum's shop to start a day of work.
My mum has owned an arts and crafts/gifts and balloons/social event decorating shop for about a year now, and she gets all sorts of crazy orders, particularly for weddings. Sometimes I go down to help out, usually to get a bit of pocket money, even though it is a lot of fun doing the big orders.

However, today my mum was doing an order she couldn't cope with on her own, and with my dad being at work, my brother and I were asked to help out. It's such a big order in fact, it's taking 2 days to do instead of just one morning like it usually does.

A woman came to my mum's shop about a month ago, and told my mum she wants her to decorate her wedding reception. Everything is gold, silver, or white. She wants lots and lots of balloons, fairy lights, table decorations, chair decorations, floaty organza materials all over, vases with gold/silver painted twigs in them, more fairy lights wrapped around them, glass dishes filled with M&Ms (their names both begin with M), table sprinkers, rose petals, glitter, sparkly things, and generally just everything you can imagine.
So today we started some of the decorating, since if we blew all the helium balloons up now, they'd have half deflated by tomorrow.
We started off by blowing up some balloons with air, as air balloons don't float away, and last longer than helium ones. We blew up some tiny little 5" ones first and filled a massive bag with them. These are all going to be tied to the backs of the chairs  Then we filled up some 10" balloons and began making the bases for the huge archway.

After that we started inflating some foil balloons, the kind with the pretty designs printed on them. Firstly half a dozen gold and silver balloons with "Just Married" written on them, and then some giant silver letters to spell out their names, which was amazing fun. The As looked sort of like toilet seats. Hence the title. xD
Foil balloons tend to last a lot longer, and can always be reinflated anyway, so that's half of the balloons out of the way. Tomorrow morning it's up early to go and inflate regular balloons with helium, and put M&Ms in dishes (and try to resist eating them, hehe.)
I'll try and get some nice pictures if we're not too busy, and if we are, my mum usually takes a few for the website anyway. It'll look gorgeous when we're done, and it'll be fantastic getting to play with balloons, fairy lights and glittery stuff all day.

Anyway, after we'd done all of that my mum dropped us home before rushing off to get more stuff for the wedding tomorrow, and I took the dogs out for a nice long walk seen as though it was such a lovely day.
There's an extremely long path that runs along the back of our house that used to be a railway line, so it goes on for miles and miles. I walked all the way up to the really foresty part, and really regretted not bringing a sketchbook or camera, it's gorgeous up there. There are bluebells all over the place, and I even spotted some typical fairytale toadstools, the red ones with little white spots. I think I'll have another wander up there on Sunday and get a few pretty pictures to use in a drawing or something.

On the walk back down to my house, my dogs, Bonnie and Clyde, decided it was so hot the only way they could cope was to roll in a muddy puddle and then shake it all over me, which meant I was soaking and mucky, but I was already unbearably hot so I had a nice cold shower when I got home. Now I'm just going to relax and enjoy the evening.

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